Chapter I—Title
This organization shall be known as the PALATKA YACHT CLUB.
Chapter II—Objectives
The objectives of the PALATKA YACHT CLUB shall be to promote good fellowship and cooperation among its members, the sport of yachting, safety afloat, and techniques of good seamanship.
Chapter III—Officers
The officers shall be a Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary, and Treasurer. The term shall be for one year. The Commodore shall not serve for more than two (2) consecutive terms. Officers may succeed themselves.
Chapter IV—Board of Directors
The management of this club shall be by a Board of Directors composed of the officers of the club and two additional directors elected by the general membership. Officers and directors shall be elected at the November meeting of each year and shall assume their duties at the first January meeting of the new year. The directors shall serve for two years with one or more new directors being elected each year. The immediate past commodore shall serve as a director for one year. Any member of the Directors, who for any reason fails to attend three consecutive meetings, may be replaced by a member of the Palatka Yacht Club appointed by the commodore. This appointment shall be for the remaining term of the Commodore.
Chapter V—Meetings
The Board of Directors shall meet monthly to conduct the business affairs of the club. Regular meetings of the membership shall be as announced by the Commodore. Twenty percent of the members of the club shall constitute a quorum at regular meetings and fifty percent of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at the Board of Directors meetings. Meetings shall be conducted as per Robert’s Rules of Order.
Chapter VI—Membership
Membership in the PALATKA YACHT CLUB shall be by invitation only. Invitations to prospective members shall be extended only after approval by the Board of Directors. Members shall have full voting rights, and will have the privilege of holding office, or serving on the Board of Directors. This membership includes children twelve (12) years of age and younger who are dependents of the Member. These children do not have voting rights or cannot hold any office. Any member may be expelled from the Club by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors for any action that is detrimental to the Club. The decision may be appealed by the member within thirty (30) days and may be overturned by a two-thirds vote of the Membership.
Chapter VII—Fees and Dues
Initiation Fee
Members shall pay an initiation fee that shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Annual Dues
Annual dues shall be as recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by a majority vote at any regular meeting of the membership following notification to the membership.
Annual dues are prorated for new members joining the club after January 1 of any year.
Reinstatement of Former Club Members
Former members of the club, who have resigned and desire reinstatement, must apply to the Board of Directors using the same membership application as prospective new members. Former members may request a waiver of the initiation fee explaining why the request is being made. All such requests will be evaluated by the Board of Directors and decided by majority vote of the Board.
Chapter VIII—Duties of Officers
It shall be the duty of the Commodore to lead the club and direct its activities, to preside at club meetings and board meetings, appoint all committees and enforce adherence to the club’s by-laws.
Vice Commodore
It shall be the duty of the Vice-Commodore to assist the Commodore in the discharge of his duties, and in the absence of the Commodore, to serve in his place.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to maintain a correct roll of members and their yachts, to record and maintain a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the membership and Board of Directors, to have custody of all reports and documents connected with the business of the club, to give notice of all meetings, to designate the agenda for special meetings, to notify members of their appointment to serve on committees, to notify candidates of election to membership, to conduct the correspondence of the club other than that conducted by the Commodore or Treasurer, and to perform such other duties as would normally be expected of this officer.
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to have custody of all funds of the club, to collect and receive all monies due the club, to pay all bills approved for payment by the Board of Directors, to keep an accurate permanent record of all receipts and disbursements, to make a detailed report to the membership at the regular monthly meetings on the gross receipts since the previous report and the bank balance at the close of the previous month, and to perform such other duties as would normally be expected of this officer.
Chapter IX—Club Burgee
The club burgee shall be a pennant with a white “P” centered on a red circle over a blue sail on a white background.
Chapter X—Amendments to the By-Laws
These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote at any regular membership meeting following presentation of the proposed amendment to the members present at the previous monthly meeting. The Secretary shall include the exact wording of the proposed amendment in the notice of the second meeting at which final action is to be taken.
Chapter XI—Capital Improvements and Debt
Capital improvements to the club include any item or its components if the components cannot be used independently and have a total purchase value in excess of $1,000. No expenditure in excess of $1,000 for a capital improvement shall be authorized by the Board of Directors without prior approval of a majority of the membership in attendance at a regularly scheduled meeting of the club. For amounts of one thousand dollars, or less than one thousand dollars, the Board at its discretion may ask for a membership vote.
All loans for indebtedness must have the recommendation of the Board of Directors and be approved by a majority of the membership in attendance at a regularly scheduled meeting of the club.
Club members shall be notified prior to the meeting at which a vote will be taken on capital improvements or debt. Notification shall be made using the club’s newsletter, which may be sent via the United States postal system or e-mail.