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Benefits of Membership

With your membership, you will meet people from throughout our community. We have experienced boaters who know the St. Johns River quite well and will be more than happy to show newcomers our beautiful river. We generally have at least one monthly activity, whether it be a dinner meeting or a rendezvous, which can be to a fellow club members riverfront home or to places on a water body, such as the St. Johns River, Lake George, Crescent Lake, or Cedar Key.


Requirements to Become a Member

Prospective new members should attend at least two events, during which they should meet the various members of the Board of Directors, who will be voting on the application. A current member should sponsor the prospective new member.

A prospective new member should complete an application form giving it to their sponsor or a member of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will take action at the next Board of Directors meeting. The prospective new member may submit a check for their fees with the application, or await notification from the secretary of their acceptance and the amount of money that they should submit.

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PYC Membership Application (effective 2018)