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Oct 052023

Be sure to mark your calendars for November 11th (Coincidentally “Veteran’s Day”). This is also the timing of the club’s annual “Joe Morris Chili Cookoff Competition. This year it will be held at the Driscoll residence at 132 Orange Tree Road – East (by God) Palatacky 32131.
A Board of Director’s meeting will start at 3PM, speaking of which; all members plan to cast your vote for next year’s slate of club officers.

Time for the Chili Cookoff Competition is around 4PM so arrive early to greet our “Special Guests” and some socializing and general jaw-boning beforehand.

Remember, the cost of admission is one new unwrapped toy for donation to the Marine Corps League’s “Toys for Tots” program
Water and teas will be provided. BUT, bring your own booze As much as Susanne and I love you all; we’re not about to contribute to your sinful ways…

Guests are highly encouraged!

All participants in the competition please let us know directly. (904) 501-9531. Susanne and Ernie Driscoll
Remember – Nobody leaves hungry