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Nov 242024

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December 13

Our Club Christmas Party is scheduled for Friday, 13 December, with the Social hour beginning at 6:00 pm sharp. We will have a fully catered event with Stacy from Peas and Carrots putting on the menu and our venue will once again be provided by Tate and Jessie Miller, they will be hosting our party at the Grand Gables Inn, 603 Emmitt Street in the South Historic District. Music will again be a Jazz Trio from Swing and a Miss Band. This event will be Putnam County Dress, which means Suits, Gowns, Collared Shirts, Shoes, Sport Jackets, Sack Dresses,etc. Leave flip flops and shorts at home, we plan on encouraging everyone to show off their best terpsichorean talents on the smooth wood floors of the Gables’ historic white pine deck.

The Menu includes Shrimp Cocktail, assorted finger foods. Prime Rib and Smoked Turkey for the mains, green beans and garlic potatoes. Dessert will be assorted cheese cake or pudding cups. Iced Teas, Water and limited mixers will be provided. BYOB.

Cost per individual is $25.00! Please send us an email back so we can fine tune seating and food quantities, everyone is welcome.

Nov 242024

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December 7

Please join us at Porchfest, Saturday 07 December, starting 11:00 am at Grand Gables Inn,
603 Emmitt Street, in the Southern Historic District of Palatka.
Palatka Yacht Club has Co-Sponsored the Porch at Grand Gables
along with primary Sponsor, Seminole Electric. There is no charge!

The band at Grand Gables will be “Swing and a Miss”, the same orchestra that entertained us
last year at our Christmas Party. There will be food trucks and beverage stands with various drinks for sale.
(I suspect one or more of our members will have a private stash, discretely available, but nobody knows for sure…)
we recommend that people will bring a folding chair because it’s a long afternoon and there
are at least twenty porches with a great variety of professional music to enjoy from 20 local bands.
It will pay to be comfortable!

Aug 202024

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Our August 17 raft up at the Sand Bar was really wonderful
the weather was very cooperative with relatively mild (for Palatka!) temperatures. There were four vessels in our raft;

Gary Bliss’ Boston Whaler 13 (Solo Crew!)
Tom Keith and his crew of Rex, Michele and Jim onboard the deckboat
Darryl and Lynne with Janet crewed onboard Cypress Moon, Albin CB 35.

We were the anchor boat with 35 feet and with 8 tons of mass holding our ground, And
finally Shaun, on his Sea Ray Sundancer, 31 foot cruiser

We arrived pretty much together at 1:00pm, the anchor was quickly set and everyone secured their vessels to Cypress Moon.
We immediately served out all the great food, there was even leftovers. Of course, swimming had to happen and we enjoyed our company on the water.

Next month will be a raft up at the Gnarly Gar, 21 September. Hope to see you out on the water!

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Aug 082024

Tap/Hover to Enlarge

AUGUST 17 Next Palatka Yacht Club Meeting will be a Raft Up at the Sand Bar, also unofficially called

The Red Neck Riviera

Just a hundred yards past Red Marker “22”, near the Ruins. We will anchor around 1300 (1:00 pm). High tide locally will be at 1354.
We will enjoy the water and fine company until 1600 (4:00pm).
Be sure to bring sunscreen, hats and long sleeves, it’s gonna be bright out there.
“Cypress Moon” will have ten pounds of smoked Harissa Chicken drumsticks to pass. See you there!
Everyone is invited – please join us.

Oct 052023

Be sure to mark your calendars for November 11th (Coincidentally “Veteran’s Day”). This is also the timing of the club’s annual “Joe Morris Chili Cookoff Competition. This year it will be held at the Driscoll residence at 132 Orange Tree Road – East (by God) Palatacky 32131.
A Board of Director’s meeting will start at 3PM, speaking of which; all members plan to cast your vote for next year’s slate of club officers.

Time for the Chili Cookoff Competition is around 4PM so arrive early to greet our “Special Guests” and some socializing and general jaw-boning beforehand.

Remember, the cost of admission is one new unwrapped toy for donation to the Marine Corps League’s “Toys for Tots” program
Water and teas will be provided. BUT, bring your own booze As much as Susanne and I love you all; we’re not about to contribute to your sinful ways…

Guests are highly encouraged!

All participants in the competition please let us know directly. (904) 501-9531. Susanne and Ernie Driscoll
Remember – Nobody leaves hungry

Jan 012023

Annual dues are due January 1 and are past due on January 31. Dues are $100 per person and can be mailed to PYC @ PO Box 2004, Palatka, FL 32178 or taken to the January change of command ceremony on the 21st. The ceremony will be at Brown’s Landing where we will have the traditional Smoked Meats and other BBQ favorites all provided by the Commodore for the benefit of our members.

Dec 212022

Where: Darryl Currie’s, 4056 Browns Landing Road
Time: 3:00 pm Social, 4:00 pm pot luck dinner
Menu: smoked Boston butt, smoked beef for sandwiches
Members may bring a side dish or dessert to share. If you have a favorite dish you would like to share, please let Betty Poteet know.
Water, tea and ice will be provided, BYOB

Mar 222022

Red Cross CPR Training will be conducted Saturday, 23 APR 2022, 0900-1200 at the St Paul’s Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall at Federal Point. 124 Commercial Ave. East Palatka, 32131
Many thanks to Past Commodore Ernie Driscoll for arranging this event and much gratitude to St Paul’s Episcopal for hosting us!!!
Once again;
$40.00 per student. Rat Island Yacht Club Members are cordially invited to join us in this vital community event. Please email our Club Secretary Larraine <larraine.gaches@gmail.com>
for reservations.
Commodore’s Note;
I would like for our Club to have the biggest participation in this event because we all may be called upon to help resuscitate our neighbors when they need us most.
Looking forward to a great class and seeing all of you there!
Mar 212022


The Palatka Yacht Club is sponsoring a Blessing of the Fleet, Palm Sunday, April 10, 2:00pm at the City’s Municipal Docks.  All boaters are welcome to participate. 
The blessing of the fleet is a time-honored tradition that goes back many centuries into the murky sea of legend and tradition. Some legends have the origins going back to early Greek fishermen. One story has it that the tradition of asking clergy to bless boats and their crews began in Sicily after some fishermen were saved from certain death in a storm. According to the legend, they had lost their way in a thick fog when they suddenly saw a glimmering light in the distance. Following the light, they were able to make their way back to shore. There, they discovered that the light came from a medallion of the Madonna del Lume (Mother of Light) set in a grotto high on a cliff. 
Today fisherman as well as pleasure boaters around the world have their vessels blessed. A Fisherman’s blessing is for protection and prosperity of their fleet.  Pleasure boaters for fine boating weather and safe boating for all aboard.  Individual creativity in banners and decorating of the vessels is encouraged!  
No reservations or entry forms or fees are required. Vessels participate at their own risk and no liability is assumed by any sponsoring organization, church, city, or governmental agency.
The Blessing will be offered this year by local clergy and officiated by the Rev. Joe Dunagan, Rector, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Federal Point, Florida and the Rev Father Anthony Bonela of St. Monica Catholic Church, Palatka, Florida and (Retired) Fr. John Wesley a veteran Blessing giver. After the last vessel is blessed a wreath will be placed in the water out of respect for those who’ve lost their lives on the river, or at sea.

Rules of Procedure
• All vessels are welcome and are not required to be under power. Inland Rules of the Road and common courtesy while upon the water will apply
• Vessels will assemble no later than 1:30pm in the mooring field to the south of the City Docks downtown Palatka and anchor or nest up in the open waters to the south. A PYC Control vessel will coordinate movement on VHF Channel68.
• Vessels equipped with a marine VHF radio will monitor Channel 68 and wait for instructions. There must be no transmissions on this channel except in the case of an emergency. Vessels without radios will stand by vessels so equipped to receive verbal information from those skippers.
• The Blessing of the Fleet will be led by an official vessel followed by (a) trawlers and commercial fishing craft, (b) craft over 30 feet and (c) all other motorized craft (d) all others.
• Speeds should be set to maintain a close but safe maneuvering distance from other boats.
• From anchorage, vessels will proceed in-line northwest toward the docks and then make a wide turn to port to pass directly abreast the end of the main city dock. No wake rules must be observed during the pass by the docks.
• After passing the officiating station, vessels will continue southeast then turn easterly so as not to obstruct follow-on vessels. No vessel will be permitted to return to the docks until the completion of the entire ceremony. 
Participants are reminded that this is a solemn occasion and are asked to:
• Avoid loud engine noise, music, raised voices or unseemly conduct;
• Keep beverage containers out of sight and do not discard any trash into the water; and
• While passing the officiating party and receiving the blessing, all aboard should remove hats, and should wear suitable attire commensurate with this reverent occasion.
For more information contact the Palatka Yacht Club, former Commodore, Ernest Driscoll, Email: whee4got@aol.com

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Sep 012013

2013 Sept-Oct Whispers Over The WaterCOMMODORE’S CORNER Ahoy Members!!
The nominating committee (Betty Poteet, David Girardin, and Linda Girardin)
announces the following proposed slate of officers for 2014.

Commodore Rhonda Masters Treasurer Traci Reed
Vice Commodore Bruce Drackett Secretary Betty Poteet First Year Director Ed Reed Past Commodore Gail Hart

Nominations and elections will take place Saturday, November 16, 2013, at one of
our only meeting. Elections will take place before dinner.
Bruce Drackett

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